Favorite Baby Products: Part Two

Toys: I am a pediatric physical therapist full time and deal with baby toys all day long. We try to keep it pretty minimal with equipment, but obviously have a few bins of toys! These are some of the things we use for play all day every day, or when we go out and need toys on hand

Play table: I use this pretty much every day at work and every day at home. Yes, I know what every button does by heart but it is actually somehow still not that annoying. You can also pop two of the legs off so they can play with it in sitting.

Play mat: You can break this down into squares to hide it away at the end of the day, and during the day it isn’t such an eye sore!

Cups, Baby Einstein music toy: The simplest toys, but will buy you hours of time. These are her favorites that she always goes back to.


Piano: We have used this since she was born for tummy time and the piano part separates, so now she carries it around and “plays” the piano with in on her little chair.


Toy straps: These things will save you from cleaning all the toys thrown over the highchair, out of the stroller, etc.


Feeding: Anything to make less of a mess, right?

Inglesina chair: This has been perfect to bring on vacations, to grandparents houses, and to keep on our counter as a place where she can watch us cook, do dishes, etc.

Spoons and gootensils: These have been our favorites for a baby who insists on feeding herself, even with a spoon. They made it easy to get started with solids!

Oxo bibs: Trust me on these. My mom said “where were these when you were little?!” They are scrub-off-able in the sink and catch all the leftovers. 



Sleep: We have a good little sleeper, but these things are definitely helpful! 

Woolino: This sleepsack is awesome because it regulates baby’s body temperature whether it is warm or cold in the nursery. Its pricey, but it lasts up to 18 months! 

Slumberpod: We brought this to California with us and whoa never traveling without it. She slept soundly in a bright sunny room while we packed up around her. Everyone raves about it and honestly, haven’t heard a bad review. It folds up super tiny, too.



Ergo baby carrier: Dan wears maeve in here to walk the dogs or take them to the park and she loves to face out. It is nice because it is easy to pop on and fits both Dan and I.


Wine: Because parenthood is so fun and so hard.

Family, BabyMegan GarhanComment