5 Ways To Make Tummy Time Easier

tummy time 3 month old

The thing that I find myself educating parents on every day at my job as a physical therapist is tummy time. I often hear “my baby HATES tummy time, so we don’t do it much”. I am here to tell you that there are so many ways to do tummy time other than putting your baby flat on the floor. Do some babies like it more than others? Yes. But I put together 5 ways to make tummy time easier with your baby, at any age.

Why does it matter that my baby does tummy time?

It helps them to develop the same muscles they will need to roll over, sit up, stand up and walk. It helps to prevent asymmetries in their neck muscles, which can lead to issues with head shape. It helps their sensory system to develop, it is good for their vision, and it can even help with reflux symptoms (I know, call me crazy).

How do I get my baby to like tummy time?

  1. Make it a routine.

    Like anything else, this gets easier with practice. If you start doing tummy time for a minute here and there from day one, your baby just thinks of it as another position to be in. If they get fussy after 30 seconds, that’s fine. If you are not starting from day one, just make it a routine to put your baby on their tummy after every diaper change, even for just one minute. This is a good way to jog your memory and get them used to being on their tummy often throughout the day. This is what we did with both of the girls and eventually they preferred to be on their tummies to play, just on a blanket in the middle of the floor!

  2. Use a mirror

    Babies love to look at themselves. Prop up a mirror toy in front of them during tummy time, and it will be more successful.

  3. Get face to face

    Babies also love faces, especially familiar faces! Get on the floor with your baby or put them on your chest facing you so that you can talk to them. If they have a sibling, make it a group activity - the baby will love watching their older sibling play with them.

  4. Pick your baby up - tummy time doesn’t have to be flat on the floor!

    All of following count as “tummy time”:

    • Chest to chest: Lay your baby on your chest. The more you recline, the more the baby has to work

    • Across your lap: Lay your baby sideways across your lap while you are sitting on the couch.

    • Superman carry: Wrap one of your arms under your baby’s chest and hold them on their tummy along your side. This works best after about 4 months old.

    • Forward carry: Hold your baby facing away from you, with their bottom against your belly. One of your hands is on their chest and another under their bottom. Tip them slightly forward.

    These are great ways to get in tummy time when your baby LOVES to be held.

  5. Try it in nothing but a diaper (or nothing at all before or after bath)

    For some reason, babies move more when they are naked. While you run their bath water, lay them on a towel with nothing on (even take their diaper off - that’s what the towel is for). You might see that they lift their head more, are more active, and tolerate tummy time a little better during this time!

tummy time activities

And finally, get creative! Do tummy time outside, do it in a bassinet stroller while you are moving, or do it on their crib surface while you are folding the endless amount of laundry in their room so they can be eye level with you. They don’t have to be lifting their head up the whole time for it to be beneficial.

If you ever have any concerns with the way your baby does tummy time, with their neck strength, or with head shape, talk to your primary care doctor about this. A referral to a pediatric physical therapist may be helpful.